Abera – Unveiling the Journey of Vietnamese Cosmetics Conquering American Customers

Abera stepped into the playground of the “giant” as a “young” start-up in Vietnam

HO CHI MINH, Vietnam, Nov. 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ —  Foreign enthusiasts of Vietnamese products – the ‘lever’ for Abera – the Vietnamese cosmetics brand, to make a breakthrough on the renowned e-commerce platform, Amazon.

Despite encountering notable challenges due to the company’s relative youth and the highly competitive cosmetics market, the leadership team at Abera demonstrated boldness by undertaking an audacious experiment. They initiated an ambitious endeavor to target American customers through Amazon, taking a daring leap in pursuit of success.

Amazon is globally acknowledged as the largest online shopping platform, presenting vast revenue opportunities. By seizing this chance, businesses can proactively embrace the growing cross-border Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) business trend and establish direct connections with consumers, thereby staying ahead in the market.

Additionally, Abera places great emphasis on product improvement by actively listening to and considering feedback from its international customers. At the same time, the successful outcomes attained in the international market will generate excitement and contribute to building a strong reputation for Abera, thereby enhancing the prestige of Vietnamese cosmetics.

Abera exceeded expectations by achieving remarkable sales figures

After a year of relentless effort, the start-up has achieved millions of US dollars in revenue, with a customer conversion rate five times higher than the domestic market and a doubling in the number of orders compared to the same period. These figures are significant, particularly when considering that cosmetics are not prominently featured among the best-selling “made in” Vietnam products on Amazon.

This shows that Abera’s products are of such high quality that customers from around the world are willing to purchase and experience them. The extensive stream of positive comments on Abera’s product pages on Amazon suggests that the brand has earned a certain level of trust from its Western customers.

Vietnamese brands are steadily asserting their presence in the global market

Over the past few years, numerous Vietnamese brands, including Vinamilk, VinFast, Vincom Retail, and others, have been steadily establishing themselves in the global market. This shows that Vietnamese products are comparable to those from other countries and hold immense potential for remarkable growth.

Despite this, current statistics indicate that Vietnamese cosmetics have not fully captured the attention of foreign consumers. Therefore, Abera’s achievement can serve as a crucial stepping stone, not just for Abera itself but also for other Vietnamese cosmetics brands, to expand their global presence.

In the near future, Abera Vietnam will further enhance its brand and successfully realize the vision of promoting Vietnamese cosmetics worldwide.


Originally published at https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/abera–unveiling-the-journey-of-vietnamese-cosmetics-conquering-american-customers-301990545.html
Some images courtesy of https://pixabay.com